Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Antonio de Noli before Colon. RAI-3 Liguria

"Prima di Cristoforo Colombo, il genovese Antonio de Noli aprì la via delle Indie, scoprendo le Isole di Capoverde" (Before Columbus, the Genoese Antonio de Noli opened the seaways to India by the discovery of the Cape Verde Islands). Documentary film on navigator Antonio de Noli by RAI 3, as shown in TGR_Liguria April 8th 2010

The documentary contains excerpts of an interview I had by RAI-3 (27/2 2010) on the historical background for Antonio de Noli's political exile in Portugal 1449.

Youtube link send by Luciano Marmi, Genoa Serra Riccò (in the picture). For more information on navigator De Noli visit the Research Bulletin (English) of the Antonio de Noli Academic Society, based in Genoa - Italy.

Photo Luciano Marmi, Genoa

1 comment:

inga-märta said...

tyvärr kunde jag inte få fram den engelska texten på youtube