Duplicate of a column published in Newsmill 28/2 2011 in its original format. Updated 3/3 2011 with link to an article by Jonas Sjöstedt published in Svenska dagbladet (Brännpunkt) "Sverige borde kriminalisera totyr" ["Sweden should make torture a criminal offense"].

Professor: Assangefallet visar att Karl Marx hade rätt
Publicerad: 2011-02-28, Uppdaterad: 2011-02-28
Predictably, the London courts ruled no-extradition in favour of mass murderer Augusto Pinochet while assisted by his lawyer Clare Montgomery. The USA friendly dictator could return to Chile where he remained free and unpunished. Predictably again, the same courts rules the opposite - yes to extradition - in the case of libertarian publisher and USA enemy Number One Julian Assange, after the request from Sweden which is represented by the very same Pinochet's attorney, Clare Montgomery.
Other articles on the Assange case in Professors blogg
- 13 May 2012. WikiLeaks Cables Reveal How Sweden Constructed Solution to "Iraqi Refugee Problem" -- Sweden mass-deporting refugees arguing ''honour-killlings'' and "opinion"
- 11 May 2012. Expressen's Press Awards - Second Part. By Traci Birge
- 3 May 2012. "Timing the procesess" - Protracting Swedish process for timing with process in the U.S.
- 30 April 2012. On Göran Rudling's article about something else - not me or my research
- 28 April 2012. 'Journalistic Jealousy' Or Politics, Or Both? “A media conspiracy at both sides of the Atlantic”
- 23 April 2012. Julian Assange, The Professors, and The Taxi Driver
- 21 April 2012. News update from Washington. By Andrew Kreig
- 5 April 2012. Sweden's political decision on the extradition of Assange to the U.S.
- 4 April 2012. On Trolls' Behaviour and The Statistical Underrepresentation of Honour-killings in Sweden
- 4 April 2012. Debating a Taboo: Gender, Honour Killings and Fear of “the Other” By Traci Birge
- 31 March 2012. Disclosing The Fifth Column. Clarifying on some fabricated accusations against WikiLeaks leaders and supporters
- 28 March 2012. "A Huge Favour To Democracy" RT Interview in Stockholm on WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Democracy
- 22 March 2012. On Prof Ferrada de Noli's Honour-Killings Theses. By Traci Birge
- 20 March 2012. “Throw them all”. Swedish State Feminism hijacking scientific research for cultural-racist aims
- 16 March 2012. Letter to the Australian Ambassador by German Friends of Wikileaks / Berlin
- 12 March 2012. A Most Wanted List of Missing Items in the Julian Assange Case. By Dave Phillips
- 8 March 2012. Swedish State Radio Misrepresenting Positions of Professors Blogg on Sweden's Case Against Assange and WikiLeakss
- 8 March 2012. Sweden-Saudi arms factory scandal: "Arms Export Control" Authority participated in the secret meetings. Called by Defence Minister
- 7 March 2012. Expressen’s “Press Awards”. By Traci Birge
- 6 March 2012. WikiLeaks releases statement on recent fabricated stories in the Swedish Press
- 6 March 2012. Sweden's FOI publicly slandering WikiLeaks while in secret building arms factory for Saudi Arabia dictatorship
- 6 March 2012. Indicting Julian Assange represents a dramatic assault on Free Speech, journalists, and the public right to know. By Jennifer Robinson
- 2 March 2012. Plan Z: the latest national chauvinist campaign anti-WIkiLeaks in the Swedish media
- 1 March 2012. WikiLeaks Claims Secret U.S. Charges Against Assange. By Andrew Kreig
- 29 February. Professors blogg in debate with Expressen on Radio1. New attacks in Swedish media against Julian Assange
- 28 February 2012. Important Statement by the US Centre for Constitutional Rights regarding reported sealed Assange indictment
- 28 February 2012. Shall Sweden grant to US the extradition of Julian Assange?
- 26 February 2012. What Julian Assange does with WikiLeaks is not only right. It is morally right, it is ethically right and it is legally right. By Jennifer Robinson
- 23 February. Anatomy of an untruthful scoop. Explaining Sweden’s psychological warfare against WikiLeaks and the political case VS Julian Assange. Part One
- 21 February 2012. Sweden: POLITICALLY appointed lay judges to JUDGE Assange
- 17 February 2012 (2). Om de upprepade anklagelserna mot Assange av svenska journalister
- 17 February 2012 (1). Journalister till tjänst i krigföringen mot Assange, och mot hederlig journalistik
- 13 February. Sweden and Pinochet. On Torture crimes, Extradition lawyers, and Politically designed judges. Part I
- 3 February 2012. Naomi Wolf: "What the Occupy movement must learn from Sundance"
- 2 February 2012. The further political exploitation of the "Case Assange". Even if the Swedish legal system would not be politically minded, the Swedish case VS. Assange is still political, and so are the government interferences in the legal case
- 2 February 2012. U.S. Attorney General E. Holder does not prosecute U.S. torturers; he prosecutes those who speak out about U.S. torture. Will Julian Assange be next? By Jennifer Robinson
- 1 February 2012. The extradition process initiated in Sweden against the WikiLeaks founder is to the uppermost extent POLITICAL
- 29 January 2012. Summary of recent analyses covering Human-Rights issues in the J Assange and B Manning cases. By Andrew Kreig
- 27 January 2012. Swedish government using media to interfere in the legal process against Julian Assange
- 7 January 2012. Professors blogg is now closed
- 5 January 2012. Naomi Wolf: "The streets of 2012"
- 31 December 2011. Human Rights concerns regarding the case against Julian Assange. By Jennifer Robinson
- 26 December 2011. Historical meaning of WikiLeaks, and Swedish myths on Julian Assange
- 25 December 2011. Manning Hearing Began With Challenge on Fairness. By Andrew Kreig
- 24 December 2011. Professors blogg to silence by unintentional cause
- 22 December 2011. New Swedish deceptive information about Assange and the prospective of extradition to US
- 18 December 2011. Distinguished Intellectuals, Professors, Officers and Politicians in Letter to Australian Foreign Minister: Highly Concerned Over Prospective Sweden's Rendition of Assange to US
- 1 December 2011. The “Duck Pond” Theses. Explaining Swedish journalism and the anti-Assange smear campaign
- 1 December 2011. Wikileaks buried Swedish official myth on Neutrality
- 29 November 2011. Further devious reports on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. Update
- 27 November 2011. EC to stop Facebook's harvesting of personal information. But Swedish connection could be worse than ad-targeting operations
- 25 November 2011. Naomi Wolf: "The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on Occupy"
- 17 November 2011. Wikileaks Flag
- 15 November 2011. Blind Trust, Blind Justice. Article by Bella Magnani
- 7 November 2011. NATO medals to Sweden. Can Sweden US-aligned stand guarantee fair extradition process?
- 4 November 2011. Sweden will grant extradition of Assange to the US. If not stopped by international political pressure
- 3 November 2011. Sweden, Nato and Assange
- 2 November 2011. Questo è il motivo per la vendetta svedese contro Julian Assange e Wikileaks
- 1 November 2011. A fair trial for Assange?
- 1 November 2011. This is why
- 1 November 2011. "Bild and Clinton in conference before decision on Assange extradition" in Second-Opinion
- 31 October 2011. Extradition trial in Halloween day
- 29 October 2011. London “Cyberspace” Conference. USA, Sweden and UK foreign ministers meet on Assanges' extradition verdict day
- 25 October 2011. Swedish psychological warfare against Wikileaks and Assange
- 19 October 2011. Naomi Wolf: "How I was arrested at the 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstration"
- 19 October 2011. Barricade philosophers. The Assange road
- 12 October 2011. Sweden's credibility in trouble. Why blame Wikileaks or Julian Assange?
- 11 October 2011. Official Sweden further endorses the unscientific theses of radical-feminism
- 5 October 2011. From demon exorcism to State-feminism. Further background on the Swedish case against Assange
- 5 October 2011. Radical "feminism". What is scientific research and what it is not. End of story
- 3 October 2011. The Satanism-theses of Eva Lundgren and the psychiatric origins of Swedish State-Feminism. Part I
- 3 October 2011. Beaten lady (Slagen dam) in Stockholm’s Subway
- 30 September. Julian Assange as "symbolic issue" for the radical-feminists in Sweden
- 14 September 2011. Läkarkåren utpressar domstolen
- 14 September 2011. The Swedish case against Assange in Professors blogg. Updated links
- 8 September 2011 (22.14). Wikileaks cable on procedures at UN Women would help explain Sweden’s feminists campaign against Assange
- 8 September 2011 (08.21). A forensic scenario in the Swedish case against Assange
- 23 August 2011. The Case Assange and the Misuse of the PTSD Diagnosis in Swedish Rape Trials
- 9 August 2011. A London journalist does interview on negative Swedish-media reporting of Assange case
- 8 August. "Man har sålt en lögn till allmänheten"
- 3 August 2011. More on Feminism and State-Feminism. Strawman argumentation against critic to the state-feminism factor in the Assange case
- 29 July 2011. Pseudo-Science in Swedish Rape Trials. With an Introduction on the Origins of State-Feminism in Sweden
- 29 July 2011. Bloggers vs. Old Media: Who Wins and Why. By Andrew Kreig
- 6 July 2011. Name issues with their names. The Assange case and Swedish statsfeminism
- 5 July 2011. Naomi Wolf: "Julian Assange's sex-crime accusers deserve to be named"
- 3 July 2011. Swedish updates on the Assange case
- 18 April 2011. The affair Irmeli Krans in the case of Sweden against Assange
- 17 April 2011. Swedish authorities face yet another irregularity in their sex probe of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. By Andrew Kreig
- 15 April 2011. Sweden's Serial Negligence in Prosecuting Rape Further Highlights the Politics Behind Julian Assange's Arrest. By Naomi Wolf
- 15 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. Part 3: "Men are animals"
- 15 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. Part 2: “Men that hate women”
- 15 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. PART 1: The Political Agenda and Dirty Tricks
- 14 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. CONTENTS
- 10 April 2011. Om Sverigedemokraternas utrikes politik är ”osvensk” vad är då Socialdemokraternas? Kampen för Assange och Mannings frihet fortsätter.
- 7 April 2011. The worsening of Sweden's credibility is the responsibility of Swedes themselves
- 22 March 2011. NATO, Gaddafi and Assange
- 19 March 2011. Censorship of Assange-articles in the Guardian & Swedish press
- 12 March 2011. Opinions on Assange case and censorship in Swedish media
- 11 March 2011. Case Assange: Rights Activist Challenges Ethics of Swedish Courts, Media. By Andrew Kreig
- 10 March 2011. Naomi Wolf: "WikiLeaks aftermath. The Middle East Feminist Revolution"
- 6 March 2011. Have Swedish Pirates Betrayed Assange?
- 3 March 2011. Naomi Wolf: "WikiLeaks, Revolution, and the Lost Cojones of American Journalism"
- 28 Feb 2011. Mark Stephens: "Demand open justice for Julian Assange"
- 27 Feb 2011. Assange VS Pinochet
- 27 Feb 2011. Comments on Judge Riddle's verdict & and lawyer Jennifer Robinson’s interview
- 26 Feb 2011. The Pirate Party should stand for their values. They should struggle for Assange and Wikileaks
- 24 Feb 2011, Assange's case. Witness Statement of Professor Marcello Ferrada-Noli
- 22 Feb 2011, Swedish media's censorship on Assange case
- 20 Feb 2011, Does Sweden Inflict Trial by Media against Assange?
- 18 Feb 2011. Anonymous Stop U.S. Business Plot Against, Bloggers, Unions, Rights Activists. Guest column by Andrew Kreig
- 13 Feb 2011. Karl Rove’s Swedish Connections: The Controversy And The Facts. Guest-article by Andrew Kreig
- 11 Feb 2011. Matching critic on Reindfelt's involvement in the Assange case
- 11 Feb 2011. Partner At Firm Counseling Assange’s Accusers Helped In CIA Torture Rendition. Guest-article by Andrew Kreig
- 10 Feb 2011. Karl Rove, Sweden, and the Eight Major Aberrations in the Police Sex Crime Reporting Process in the Assange Case. Guest-article by Naomi Wolf
- 9 Feb 2011. Analysis: Assange’s lawyer’s error shouldn’t determine the case
- 9 Feb 2011. Strongest appeal to Swedish prosecutor - "Hamlet without princess"
- 9 Feb 2011. Hamlet utan prinsessan. Åklagaren Marianne Ny starkt utmanat av Asange's advokat
- 8 Feb 2011. Objection to Sundberg-Weitman's testimony irrelevant
- 6 Feb 2011. Q & A: The Assange case and Swedish extradition
- 4 Feb 2011. Key-witnesses severely contradict state-feminist Borgström & women-accusers in Sweden’s phony case against Assange
- 22 Jan 2011. Swedish PM Reindfelt lies in London on Assange extradition
- 13 Jan 2011. Bordström & Borgström VS. Wikileaks
- 11 Jan 2011. New analysis: Swedish political crusade against Assange and Wikileaks
- 29 Dec 2010. Assange's message to Swedish journalists
- 29 Dec 2010. Asssange, criminal without a crime
- 26 Dec 2010. Sweden’s phony prosecution against Assange is POLITICAL and IDEOLOGICAL
- 13 Dec 2010. Afghanistan, Vilks, bomb, Sweden
- 11 Dec 2010. Sveriges Assange-anklagelser i kriget mot Wikileaks OCH yttrandefrihet
- 9 Dec 2010. Is there a CIA connection in the Swedish Assange-plot?
- 7 Dec 2010. Analysis: Why Sweden revenge against Assange
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