Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Strongest appeal to Swedish prosecutor - "Hamlet without princess"

Swedish Prosecutor Marianne Ny is now publicly challenged in the strongest terms by Julian Assange and his lawyers –– to come to the Court in London and subject herself to the same  cross examination process that Assange’s side had to stand.

I have made excerpt-transcriptions of the Telegraph video, see below (har också försökt en översättning till Svenska, se här

Update, video now in Youtube: 

This was said by Assange on the Swedish prosecutor:

"Today we saw that box I spoke about earlier been open up.

The most we have seen is process abuse after process abuse been revealed for hours and hours . . .

We have seen the distortion of evidence and facts by prosecuting authorities in Sweden revealed at minor detail through all the course of the day.

What we have not seen, however,   is the chief prosecutor in this case . . . she has refused to come to these proceedings and there is an appeal on in Sweden to try forcing her to come here.

Our witness report from Sweden, may layers report from Sweden, and extensively cross-examined. Where is the equality of arms in this case? There is no equality.

Rather we see the unlimited budget of the Sweden and the UK been spent in this matter, and my rather limited budget spent in respond."

And this was said by lawyer Mark Stevens:

“Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we have seen Hamlet without the princess, we have seen a prosecutor who has been ready to feed the media with information, but has been unprepared to come here and subject herself to the cross-examination she knows she cannot stand.

I challenge Marianne Ny: Marianne Ny, come to London, subject yourself to the examination by Queen-Counselor Geoffrey Robertson!” 

Julian Assange och hans advokater har offentligt utmanat - i de starkaste ordalag - svenska åklagaren Marianne Ny att i rättvisas namn (equality) komma till domstolen i London och svarar under samma korsförhör procedur som Assanges sida var tvungen att genomgå. 


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