I artikeln hävdas att "Talibanmilis och andra rebellgrupper har de flesta civila offren på sina samveten. De har använt sig av såväl självmordsattentat som summariska avrättningar".
Var finns ett bekräftat underlag för påståendet?
Jag antar att källan i artikeln är FN:s eget (UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, UNAMA) eftersom DN-artikeln baserades i en intervju med en av FN:s högsta chef, Navi Pillay. Emellertid är FN, tillsammans med NATO, i högsta grad part i konflikten. FN har skickat trupper till Afghanistan som deltar vis a vis med NATO i militära operationer. Exempelvis har ISAF genomfört attacken i Want-Waigal distriktet i vilken dog 30 civila afghaner (den 16 juli 2008).
I underlaget Civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) - som har stödd av inte minst 144 referenser, i Wipikedia, English edition, refereras tre separata källor, den ovan nämnda FN:s UNAMA samt två neutrala källor, Associated Press och Human Rights Watch.
Faktum är att uppgifter skiller sig kraftigt mellan dessa källor. Enligt FN:s UNAMA hade Taliban milisen ”och andra” varit ansvarig för 800 civila dödsoffer i 2008, upp till augustimånad. Men enligt Associated Press var det motsvarande talet 536 civila offren, och enligt Human Rights Watch siffran av civila dödade p.g.a. de militantas attacker var ännu mindre, nämligen 367.
Nu, gällande dödandet under 2008 Wikipedia artikeln Civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) presenterar en förteckning över krigshandlingar som inträffade i perioden januari - september 2008 och som återges i sin helhet här nedanför.
Beträffande en av de atacker tillskrivna ISAF i Afghanistan står att den 14 juli 2008 30 civila afghaner dödades i en ISAF attack i Want-Waigal distriktet. ISAF förnekar, precis som USA har förnekat drönars dödliga räder i Pakistan.
January 24, 2008 Nine or Ten Afghan policemen, and two civilians were killed by US Forces in the Ghazni province, 100 km south of Kabul [110] [111]
January 30, 2008 Three civilians showed up at a Kandahar hospital with gunshot wounds, claiming they had been shot at by a Canadian convoy. One of them later died of his injuries.[112] [113] [114]
March 12, 2008 The British government says its troops were responsible for an airstrike that killed two women and two children around Helmand. At least 10 others were injured.[115] [116]
March 13, 2008 Two women and two children are killed in Pakistan by cross border shelling fired by US forces in Afghanistan [117]
March 19, 2008 Several civilians are killed by US troops in Muqibel, a village of Khost province.[118]
June 11, 2008 At least 30 killed at 10 P.M. on Tuesday night, June 10, 2008, in the village of Ebrahim Kariz, Mata Khan district of Paktika Province. US forces launched an air and ground attack upon the village allegedly targeting a "militant hideout." Residents said that dozens of civilians were killed [119]
June 23, 2008 A father and son were allegedly killed by gunfire from US-led soldiers, a governor and witnesses said. Around 200 people demonstrated in the Khogyani district of Nangarhar province. [120]
July 4, 2008 23 civilians are killed by US air strikes the district of Waygal, in the province of Nouristan[121]
July 6, 2008 47 civilians attending a wedding (including the bride) are killed by US air strikes in Nangarhar province [122]
July 14, 2008 Officials in Nuristan province said almost 30 defenseless civilians have been reportedly killed during NATO-led International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) airstrike in Want-Waigal district of the eastern province. ISAF denies the claim [123] [124]
July 15, 2008 US Forces admit to killing eight civilians in the Bakwa district of Farah province. They bombed a number of houses from which they were receiving fire. [125]
July 17, 2008 Dozens of civilians are reported killed and injured by air strikes in the Shindand district of Herat province. [125]
July 20, 2008 Thirteen civilians are killed in two separate incidents: nine policemen were killed by a US Air Strikes in the Ana Darreh district of Farah province. In the second episode, a NATO statement said, at least four civilians were accidentally killed and four other civilians wounded in mortar strikes by the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in the eastern province of Paktika. The deaths of an additional three people had not been confirmed, the statement said. [126] [127]
July 26, 2008 British troops opened fire on a vehicle that failed to stop at a checkpoint in the Sangin district of Helmand province, killing four and injuring three. [128]
July 27, 2008 Canadian troops opened fire on a vehicle that came too close to a Canadian convoy in Kandahar. A two year old girl and her four year old brother were killed and the father of the two children was wounded. [129] [130]
August 7, 2008 US troops "inadvertently" killed four women and a child in an exchange of fire in an area of central Ghazni province.[131]
August 10, 2008 Eight hostages held by the insurgents are killed by a coalition Air Strike in Uruzgan province. [132]
August 16, 2008 Four civilians were killed by a British rocket attack against a compound in the Sangin district of Helmand province. Three others were wounded. The casualties included women and children.[133] [134]
August 21, 2008 The Afghan Interior Ministry reported that U.S. coalition bombs had killed up to 95 (up from 76) civilians, including 60 children, in an airstrike on Azizabad, a village in the Shindand district of Herat province. [135] [136] [137] [138]
August 31, 2008 Three children are killed by ISAF-fired artillery shells in the Gayan district of Paktika province. Seven other civilians were wounded. [139]
September 01, 2008 A man and his two young children are killed in a night raid on his home in Kabul. His wife is injured. [140] [141]
September 9 2008At least two Afghan civilians have been killed and 10 wounded in an air strike by Nato-led forces in the eastern province of Khost, Nato officials say. [142] [143]
September 18, 2008 Canadian soldiers in a convoy fire at a civilian truck in Kandahar, killing one of the occupants.[144]
January 30, 2008 Three civilians showed up at a Kandahar hospital with gunshot wounds, claiming they had been shot at by a Canadian convoy. One of them later died of his injuries.[112] [113] [114]
March 12, 2008 The British government says its troops were responsible for an airstrike that killed two women and two children around Helmand. At least 10 others were injured.[115] [116]
March 13, 2008 Two women and two children are killed in Pakistan by cross border shelling fired by US forces in Afghanistan [117]
March 19, 2008 Several civilians are killed by US troops in Muqibel, a village of Khost province.[118]
June 11, 2008 At least 30 killed at 10 P.M. on Tuesday night, June 10, 2008, in the village of Ebrahim Kariz, Mata Khan district of Paktika Province. US forces launched an air and ground attack upon the village allegedly targeting a "militant hideout." Residents said that dozens of civilians were killed [119]
June 23, 2008 A father and son were allegedly killed by gunfire from US-led soldiers, a governor and witnesses said. Around 200 people demonstrated in the Khogyani district of Nangarhar province. [120]
July 4, 2008 23 civilians are killed by US air strikes the district of Waygal, in the province of Nouristan[121]
July 6, 2008 47 civilians attending a wedding (including the bride) are killed by US air strikes in Nangarhar province [122]
July 14, 2008 Officials in Nuristan province said almost 30 defenseless civilians have been reportedly killed during NATO-led International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) airstrike in Want-Waigal district of the eastern province. ISAF denies the claim [123] [124]
July 15, 2008 US Forces admit to killing eight civilians in the Bakwa district of Farah province. They bombed a number of houses from which they were receiving fire. [125]
July 17, 2008 Dozens of civilians are reported killed and injured by air strikes in the Shindand district of Herat province. [125]
July 20, 2008 Thirteen civilians are killed in two separate incidents: nine policemen were killed by a US Air Strikes in the Ana Darreh district of Farah province. In the second episode, a NATO statement said, at least four civilians were accidentally killed and four other civilians wounded in mortar strikes by the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in the eastern province of Paktika. The deaths of an additional three people had not been confirmed, the statement said. [126] [127]
July 26, 2008 British troops opened fire on a vehicle that failed to stop at a checkpoint in the Sangin district of Helmand province, killing four and injuring three. [128]
July 27, 2008 Canadian troops opened fire on a vehicle that came too close to a Canadian convoy in Kandahar. A two year old girl and her four year old brother were killed and the father of the two children was wounded. [129] [130]
August 7, 2008 US troops "inadvertently" killed four women and a child in an exchange of fire in an area of central Ghazni province.[131]
August 10, 2008 Eight hostages held by the insurgents are killed by a coalition Air Strike in Uruzgan province. [132]
August 16, 2008 Four civilians were killed by a British rocket attack against a compound in the Sangin district of Helmand province. Three others were wounded. The casualties included women and children.[133] [134]
August 21, 2008 The Afghan Interior Ministry reported that U.S. coalition bombs had killed up to 95 (up from 76) civilians, including 60 children, in an airstrike on Azizabad, a village in the Shindand district of Herat province. [135] [136] [137] [138]
August 31, 2008 Three children are killed by ISAF-fired artillery shells in the Gayan district of Paktika province. Seven other civilians were wounded. [139]
September 01, 2008 A man and his two young children are killed in a night raid on his home in Kabul. His wife is injured. [140] [141]
September 9 2008At least two Afghan civilians have been killed and 10 wounded in an air strike by Nato-led forces in the eastern province of Khost, Nato officials say. [142] [143]
September 18, 2008 Canadian soldiers in a convoy fire at a civilian truck in Kandahar, killing one of the occupants.[144]
Vi skall starkt uttrycka vår totala ogillande avseende självmordsattentat och dylika terrorist attacker, men vi skall hålla oss till sanningen i rapportering av vad som egentligen sker i kriget. Detta särskilt under den pågående offentliga debatten om FRA lagen, och i vilken FRA-förespråkare försvarar risken av intrång i medborgares integritet bl. a. med argumentering av en påstådda högt riskabel situation gällande den svenska styrkan i Afghanistan.
Det skall tilläggas att påståendet "FRA-Lagen ska användas för att skydda en svensk trupp i Afghanistan", såsom tidigare uppmärksammats i bloggsfären, är med i förteckning över FRA-skämt på svenska tillhörande FRApedia.
Marcelllo Ferrada-Noli 16/9, 2008
(Texten i inlägget "Klargörande till DN om dödliga skador bland civila i Afghanistan" reviderades den 28 september 2008)
Här mitt inlägg från i går FRA och talibaner, i vilket jag tog upp ämnet civila offer i Afghanistankriget