Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Further devious reports on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. Update

In its most important Sunday news-program ("Agenda" 23-10-2011) the Swedish Television anchor warns the viewers for a dreadful sending. And then classical behavioural and social-psychology dramaturgic ensues: The finishing of the Cesaescu dictatorship and his bloody execution is shown in pictures; An abandoned Gadhafi’s and his horrible assassination is shown in video-detail and his dictatorial rule and personality is as well commented; Dictator Saddam's dead by hanging is shown next and also the “hideout” where he was found is video-detailed; Thereafter is “dictator” Assange’s turn. He is reported by "Agenda", a) partly as also “abandoned” by his friends, b) partly as a “fugitive” (a film sequence named “Here Assange hides himself” it is shown. In truth, the site shown is Hellingham Hall, where Assange is currently under house arrest) and c) Julian Assange is described in the program as a megalomaniac and paranoid with dictatorial rule over a "finishing" Wikileaks. A favourite "Assange number" of the Swedish mainstream media. [1]
Updated analysis
by Marcello Ferrada-Noli
In this updated article of a previous analysis on this topic I will further comment one of the untruthful “reports” on Julian Assange broadcasted by the Swedish National Television. I refer here to the Rapport news-program deceptively titledHere Julian Assange hides himself[Här gömmer sig Julian Assange], referring to Assange’s house-arrest place, and the weekly Agenda news-analysis of Sunday 23 OctoberWhy Assange is abandoned by his old friends in which accusations against Assange - presented as a threatening and dangerous psychopath - are broadcasted uncontested. In fact, the producers of the "Agenda" program about Assange have excerpted a few selected second-lasting passages from an older documentary seemingly done by Bosse Lindquist (also interviewed in the Agenda program). However, Lindquist documentary's overall content and main message contradicts the one aired by the commented program "Agenda".

Wikileaks has to deal also with the anew emerging in the Swedish media of the Fifth column, represented by a few former associates now magnified and instrumented by the anti Wikileaks campaign. Although these are just two or three individuals (most publicized Daniel Domscheit-Berg and Birgitta Jonsdottir), they keep broadcasting attack ad hominem after attack ad hominem against the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.  They serve as the special "studio-guests" in the Swedish Television programs on Assange; they are given the status of psychiatric experts, freely diagnosing Julian Assange with a multiple-axis of psychiatric syndromes. These characterizations are afterwards referred in domestic and international media coverage, well synchronized in the general smear campaign against Wikileaks and his founder. 
To the above is added the recently "most prestigious Swedish journalist-award" bestowed by the establishment  to the by-proxy creators of the anti-Assange smear campaign "Prataomdet". I will refer on this topic in a separate article.

In the context of my analyses on the Swedish psychological warfare against Wikileaks and Julian Assange, I have previously written on the reasons Swedish officials have of their own to participate - and so vehemently -  in the international discredit campaign against Wikileaks.

The central participation of the domestic media apparatus in designs by the country's psychological warfare (meaning, national or international campaigns to sustain interest viewed as strategic by the Swedish authorities or Swedish corporate interests) is not new. One clear illustration was presented during the discussion (and promulgation) of the surveillance legislation in 2008 (See "Debating Sweden’s surveillance legislation.  FRA-lagen against civil liberties"). It became known two years afterwards – thanks to the Wikileaks disclosures on Sweden - that such initiative has been petitioned by the USA, or implemented in view of USA and NATO interests. Nevertheless, the mainstream media indulged a central participation in the ferocious psychological-warfare campaign. The instrument-motive used was the military participation of Sweden in the occupation of Afghanistan. Lies were declaimed all the way at the right and left of the truth-spectra. [My other articles on the issue (Swedish) in Note 2].

In 2010 the machinery was anew put in motion, this time regarding the “Swedish” case against Assange. I found of particular interest what I referred as the duck pond phenomenon in the Swedish media, which I believe it is a plausible explanation for the success of these campaigns, namely, the complete absence of criticism or own investigations from the part of journalists as to whether those campaigns –which obviously do not tell the all truth, or are simply deceiving – do correspond to the ultimate interests of the nation. Naturally, the Swedish National Television has had a central role in such campaigns [See box Previous fabrications ad-hominem spread by the Swedish National Television against the Wikileaks founder, down below in this text]. Most recently it was the public "trial" of Julian Assange which the Swedish State Televison indulged some days ago; a sad happening that became instantaneously an issue in the international forum. The notable Human-Rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson twittered, "Surely contempt of court?! SvT 'people's tribunal' decides 'is Assange innocent?' on TV before he is charged or tried". Further, the site SwedenVersusAssange made a report of the event headed "A ’people’s tribunal’ against Julian Assange on Prime Time Television - SVT Debatt, 22 December 2010".

Recent devious report on the Wikileaks founder spread by the Swedish National Television

In its most important Sunday news-program ("Agenda" 23-10-2011) the Swedish Television warns for a dreadful sending. Behavioural and social-psychology dramaturgic ensued. The finishing of the Cesaescu dictatorship and his bloody execution is shown in pictures. An abandoned Gadhafi’s and his horrible assassination is shown in video-detail and his dictatorial rule and personality is as well commented. Dictator Saddam's dead by hanging is shown next and also the “hideout” where he was found is video-detailed. Thereafter is “dictator” Assange’s turn. He is reported by "Agenda", a) partly as also “abandoned” by his friends, b) partly as a “fugitive” (a film sequence named “Here Assange hides himself” it is shown. In truth, the site shown is Hellingham Hall, where Assange is currently under house arrest) and c) Julian Assange is described in the program as a megalomaniac and paranoid with dictatorial rule over a "finishing" Wikileaks. A favourite "Assange number" of the Swedish mainstream media. [1] 

The anchor introduces (quote) “Welcome to Agenda. . .Gadhafi humiliated and killed.  Does it matter how a dictator is ousted? Is Wikileaks already history? Reportage about Julian Assange in the eve of the decision of his  extradition to Sweden” (Swedish National Television, Program “Agenda”, Sunday 23 October 2011, 22.15) [3]
It is very important to understand that this sequence is explained in a social-psychology context (as I reversely described in my book "Teoria y Metodo de la Concientizacion"). [4] It refers to a manipulative technique using sublimal resources towards the viewer, in the context of societal values, or moral, political or ideological.
This is the main dramaturgic in a brief account:
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1. The principal Swedish news-program Rapport airs, in the best evening-sending time, an old interview and mini reportage on Assange in London. It is entitled “Here Assange hides himself”. The title is highly deceiving, as the site shown as “hideout” is the actual place summoned by the court in which Assange is to be during his house arrest.
2. Thereafter, in the Agenda sending, the anchor warns for dreadful graphic material. The drama - and the viewers’ focus and interests – increases.
3. It is shown the finishing of the Cesaescu dictatorship and his bloody execution, all in pictures. The people in Romania has lived scared and under threat, or fearing for their lives.
4. An abandoned Ghadafi’s and his horrible assassination is shown in video-detail and so is commented his dictatorial rule and personality. The people in Libya has lived scared and under threat, or fearing for their lives.
5. Dictator Saddam dead by hanging is shown next and also is video-detailed the “hideout” where he was found. The people in Irak has lived scared and under threat, or fearing for their lives 
6. Thereafter is “dictator” Assange’s turn, who is reported by the Swedish National Television (Agenda) as: aa
A. Partly, also “abandoned” by his friends (as before in the program was referred the situation of dictator Gadhafi) aa
B. Partly as a “fugitive”. The program resend an older interview done in London “Here Assange hides himself” it is shown. In truth, the site is Hellingham Hall, where Assange is under house arrest) and  aa
C. Assange is described in the program as a megalomaniac and paranoid with dictatorial rule over a finishing Wikileaks. aa
Ergo: The people in the Wikileaks organization also (by association) would have lived scared, and under threat, or even fearing for their lives.


Birgitta Jonsdottir shows saying: "He came with threats. I cannot go in detail" (see picture above)
Daniel Domscheit-Berg is shown closely thereafter explaining "what sort of threats" is about as meant by Assange

(see picture below):
"He threatened me to kill me if I messed up"
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(as before in the program was referred the situation of dictator Gadhafi):  "Those with blood in their hands we take them to the court"

The anchor-journalist rounds up: "waiting for the decision (on Assange
extradition to Sweden) to come and being interrogated by the Swedish Police

But what is not in the text shown in the screen, neither in the Google translation given by the Swedish Television official site, is what the anchor actually says to the Swedish public:
"To come and being interrogated by the Swedish Police for he is suspect of sex
crimes" ("p.g.a. misstankar om sexbrott").  
 The above statement could be also misleading. As far as I understood, in Sweden "suspect of crime" is a juridical characterization given only after a subject has been being charged. Assange has NOT being charged of any crime! Although the Swedish public is erroneously lead to believe so.
Further, Assange is presented, or suggested being,  a “fugitive”. The program resend an older interview done in London aired the same day by the news-program "Rapport" under the name “Here Assange hides himself”. In truth, the site shown is Hellingham Hall, where Assange is under house arrest. 


Assange is also described in the program as a megalomaniac and paranoid exercising dictatorial rule over a "finishing organization", Wikileaks:


   The text in the above screen reads: "Daniel D-B means that Assange has got "storhetsvansinne". For the Swedish average public, "Storhetsvansinne"  is a psychopathological status which figures in the diagnose of Schizophrenia (see Swedish version of Wikipedia = schizofreni).  In English "Storhetsvansinne" means  Delusion of Grandeur. A popular term for what the American Psychiatric Association denominates ‘delusional disorder, grandiose subtype’ (diagnose DSM-IV 297.1.) [5]   

Further, Julian  Assange is literally described in the program, in the expressions 
of Daniel Domscheit-Berg, as "paranoid". See below:

Obviously, the Swedish National Television had prepared the "perfect" answers for the Swedish public, to its own stated suggestive "quest" on the future of Wikileaks - and the fate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange:
“Welcome to Agenda. . .Gadhafi humiliated and killed.  Does it matter how a dictator is ousted? Is Wikileaks already history?” (Opening statement in the Program “Agenda”, Sunday 23 October 2011, 22.15) 

Important Note: A list of prominent politicians maintaining it is OK to kill Julian Assange is found here 
Previous fabrications ad-hominem spread by the Swedish National Television against the Wikileaks founder:

Professors blogg analysis of the Documentary 
“Julian Assange. World’s love affair”


References and Notes
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[1] Svenska dagbladet, a main Swedish newspaper, illustrated its 17 Feb 2011  article “Idyllic picture of Sweden is darkened” with a montage showing the notorious criminal Göran Lindberg -- a world-reviled, convicted serial rapist (including the rape of a 14-year old child) – portrayed together with Julian Assange and his lawyer Mark Stephens. A conspicuous columnist of the newspaper Aftonbladet refers 13 Feb 2011 to Julian Assange as “a paranoid idiot who refuses come to Sweden to confront trial”.  The competitor newspaper, Expressen, describes 13 Feb 2011 in its cultural page “the sexual pleasure of Mr Assange is just an inescapable element for his severe compulsive needs that are beyond. . .”

[2] Background articles in Professors blogg on the issue Surveillance legislation (FRA-lagen) and Swedish military occupation of Afghanistan  (in Swedish)

[3] “Welcome to Agenda. . .Gadhaffi förnedrad och dödad. Spela någon roll hur en diktator störtas? Är Wikileaks redan historia? Reportage om Julian Assange inför beskedet om utlämning till Sverige”

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[4] Ferrada-Noli M. "Teoría y Método de la Concientización". Ed. UANL,Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, 1972

[5] American Psychiatric Association, DSM-IV 297.1. , page 296
Other articles in the Professors blogg on the Swedish case against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange


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