Tuesday, November 01, 2011

"Bild and Clinton in conference before decision on Assange extradition" in Second-Opinion

The Swedish media site Second-Opinion have published today (in English)

"Bild and Clinton in conference before decision on Assange extradition"

Click for the article on the link below:

Bildt och Clinton i konferens inför beslut om Assanges utlämning

After the publication of this article it was communicated that State Secretary Hillary Clinton had, for sad familiar events, to cancel her trip to London and unable to attend to the meetings at the Conference mentioned in this article. 

However, USA Vice President Joe Binden according to last notice replaced Hillary Clinton at the meeting.  The change in the program reads as today, “Keynote speech from the Vice President of the United States of America, Mr Joe Biden, introduced by The Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister and The Rt Hon William Hague MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.”

Previously, UK Foreign Affairs Minister William Hague had himself confirmed the participation of Secretary Hilary Clinton on Twitter (14/10, 2011), and her name was in the London Cyber Conference Program I reviewed in my publication. 

As Secretary of State Clinton and Vice President Binden represent the same official stand of their government, these developments do not alter the political issues or inferences referred in my analysis in the article above. 

Marcello Ferrada-Noli, 2 November 2011


More today in Professors blogg:

Other articles in the Professors blogg on the Swedish case against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange: 

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