"- What drives you?"
"- It is the anger, in any case."
(Dr Lotti Helström answers Aftonbladet on her AVK job) [1]
As the very same political and ideological feminist cohort that have profited from the “symbol issue” Assange (in their campaign for a further radicalization of the rape-laws) [see below] is the one to which Anna Ardin, Borgström & Borström etc. also belong, the explanation that the all Assange accusation was a set up (either by own initiative or by proxy collaboration) appears very close at hand.
In either case, the struggle for the further radicalization of the rape-laws in Sweden led by populist politicians Thomas Bodström and Claes Borgström is still inspired in the basic doctrine of Professor in Radical Feminsm Eva Lundgren, of "patriarchal-caused unbalanced (gender) distribution of power" and in her generic characterization of men as evil.
It is not by accident that Julian Assange was demonised in Sweden from the very beginning. It is that what we have observed all the way across in the mainstream media - what I described in my statistics-based analysis on the Swedish Trial by media of Julan Assange. This has been exercised by the establishment's press, the State owned television and radio programs. In the "open" political level the public have witnessed the declarations to the media of politicians in and outside government, including the unusual statements of the Swedish PM Reinfeldt himself.
Here follows a plausible time-line related to the psychological constellation, the hostility and all that dark, at times enigmatic factors around the accusation of Swedish radical feminists against Julian Assage:
How and by whose initiative was effectuated the set up in Sweden that led to those honey-encounters, and immediately later to the accusations against Julian Assange, is yet not totally clear. But this is what happened when the first try failed, and the case had been closed:
The 21 August Ismeli Krans [IK] and Anna Ardin [AA]
get the news on that the charges against Julian Asange [JA] are being dropped. ’SCANDALOUS!’ writes IK on her Facebook page.
get the news on that the charges against Julian Asange [JA] are being dropped. ’SCANDALOUS!’ writes IK on her Facebook page.
AA contacts then Claes Borgström [CB] the following day. It is most important to realize she was not trying to get CB’s help to reopen the case. CB admitted (a clumsy admission) that AA didn’t even know that was possible. So why did AA contact CB, if not to further pursue the case against JA?
One possible explanation (suggested to me): she was worried about the ”all thing” coming back and hitting her. She’d given false testimony to the police on the telephone the day before and she must have been worried the case -her "Vendetta" play - would blow up against her.
So she contacted CB. Who of course told her it would be possible to
reopen the case. Better still if AA could produce come new ’evidence’. Later came the new ”evidence” in the form of a ”new” condom.
Yet that was enough for CB to get Marianne Ny [MN] to reopen the case. The smear against JA in the media started thereafter, and there played Claes Borgström a unique, hostile and antagonizing role. See his media interviews of the epoch and his characterization ad-hominem of Julian Assange.
To recapitulate items referred to the present post in the previous Professors blogg articles in the AVK series 1, 2, 3, 4 :
The official opening ceremony of the AVK clinic was led by Birgitta Sevefjord, a politician from the establishment's "Vänster" Party - an organization known for extreme feminist views and at a time led by Gudrun Schyman (who compared Swedish men with Afghan Taliban).
Claes Bordström: "This is absolutely a political issue"
The other politician invited by the AVK's Lotti Helstrom to address their inauguration ceremony was nothing less than Claes Borgström, the actual radical-feminist lawyer behind the instigating of the accusation against Julian Assange in Sweden (an initiative proudly publicized by his partner Thomas Bodström at their law firm Bodström & Borgström, himself also member of the Social democratic Party and the former Swedish minister of Justice. He would have met recently with Lotti Helström in a reception invited by the head of the Gotland Province and who previously was Director of the Karolinska Hospital during the time it flourished there (at the hospital SESAM clinic) Lotti Helström's notorious "bloody" advices to immigrant brides.
Otherwise we find elsewhere Dr Lotti Helström and lawyer Claes Borgström in common ideological declarations on the issue of further hardening the implementations of rape-laws. But we find also the Assange accusers' lawyer Claes Borgström addressing ideology together with feminist journalist Sonja Schwarzenberger [picture right] in their meeting called by The Women-Lobby aimed to analyze their notorious anti-Assange campaign (above metioned) #Prataomdet (Talk about). Claes Borgström acknowledged there very distinctly: "This is absolutely a political issue" ("Det här är absolut en politisk fråga").
For all these religious-like activists operating in the Swedish duck pond, most of them with their public-funded professions, Julian Assange is - as acknowledged - just a political "symbol", a juridical trophy of blood and soul they can arrest, foot-cuff, denigrate, extradite, or sale further for a final crucifixion in some NATO compound in exchange for better international feminist positions, and from there impose their agenda to "uncivilized" colonies and "honour cultures".
"Die Affäre Assange hat einen symbolischen Charakter"
"Die Affäre Assange hat einen symbolischen Charakter"
In sum: The Affair Assange in Sweden was indeed, and still is - as Sonja Schwarzenberger has acknowledged - a symbolic issue. She produced that statement in a TV interview by NDR, Germany [2]. "The case" was a formidable propaganda weapon created with the collaboration of these religious frenzied radical-feminists in their struggle for the re-emerging of an Inquisitional world.
And the issue with Symbols is that they "throw together" (according to the etymologic roots, from the Greek σύμβολον = sýmbolon) [3]. What do they care this special breed of feminists about altruistic, universal principles, beyond their national-chauvinistic, narrow minded religious cult? How do they put together the contradictory formula "Patriotic Swedish - NATO allegiance"?, or their national-culture fetish and the selling of the nation's integrity? Who has thrown together their ranks for the task to crucify Julian Assange and the universal values he really represents?
One wonders what - if any - political philosophy would enlighten the souls of such gendercentric movement of ego-centered chauvinists. They really do believe that Sweden’s duck pond should be the model in those regards to the rest of the world, to those primitive and gender-illiterates that would have lived over 20 millions years amid an "anti-natural", equivocal concept of family values and love. The nearest I can come to think of it would be fascism. Yet, fascism has hated many things, but not the institution of family.
What possible altruism these anti-humankind feminists can see beyond the Freudian contemplation of their microscopic navels?
Because Transparency exercised in government, and hopefully in all governments, will diminish the necessity for Authority and enlighten the praxis of Democracy. And this can give better guarantee, or hope, that the survival of the entire planet can be accomplish with peace and dignity. In other words, a future amid truth will be the only possible civilization. The solely alternative is the perpetuation of war and the risk for an end without winners.
The analysis that follows in Part IV demonstrates that the serious criticism put forward in the precedent sections - principally about the scientific mockery AVK has done with a psychiatric PTSD diagnosis as presented at the Swedish courts - it is unfortunately a well grounded denunciation. If any such mental-status evaluation and "posttraumatic diagnosis" done in similar terms by the AVK would be presented in the Assange case in the eventuality of a trial, that certificate should serve best the cause of justice by been dismissed straight in merit these factual arguments below. Otherwise, they should be scrutinized by an objective panel of PTSD experts, rather from abroad, and independent of government, political establishment or authority.
Notes and References
1. The newspaper Aftonbladet
interviewed Lotti Helström about her job as head of the "Emergency
Clinic for Raped Women" in Stockholm, 28 August 2007. In a passage of
the published interview it reads:
"Vad driver dig?"
Det är nog den där ilskan i alla fall. Och feedbacken från
patienterna, de blir bättre och är glada att vi finns. Och så
kamratskapen här."
2. "Die Affäre Assange hat einen symbolischen Charakter", as translated by the interviewer. Sonja Schwarzenberger only hears saying in Swedish " är en symbolisk fråga".
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbol

Picture above from Anna Ardin's blog
More on the Assange case in the Professors blogg - 25 October 2011. Swedish psychological warfare against Wikileaks and Assange
- 19 October 2011. How I was arrested at the ”Occupy Wall Street” demonstration. By Naomi Wolf
- 19 October 2011. Barricade philosophers. Naomi Wolf arrested in demonstration. The Assange road
- 12 October 2011. Sweden’s credibility in trouble. Why blame Wikileaks or Julian Assange?
- 11 October 2011. Official Sweden further endorses the unscientific theses of radical-feminism
- 5 October 2011. From demon exorcism to State-feminism. Further background on the Swedish case against Assange
- 5 October 2011. Radical-feminism. What is scientific research and what it is not. End of story
- 3 October 2011. The Satanism-theses of Eva Lundgren and the psychiatric origins of Swedish State-Feminism. Part I
- 3 October 2011. Beaten lady (Slagen dam) in Stockholm’s Subway
- 30 September. Julian Assange as ”symbolic issue” for the radical-feminists in Sweden
- 14 September 2011. Läkarkåren utpressar domstolen
- 14 September 2011. The Swedish case against Assange in Professors blogg. Updated links
- 8 September 2011 (22.14). New Wikilekas cable on USG would help explain Sweden’s feminists campaign against Julian Assange
- 8 September 2011 (08.21). A forensic scenario in the Swedish case against Assange
- 23 August 2011. The Case Assange and the Misuse of the PTSD Diagnosis in Swedish Rape Trials
- 9 August 2011. A London journalist does interview on negative Swedish-media reporting of Assange case
- 8 August. "Man har sålt en lögn till allmänheten"
- 3 August 2011. More on Feminism and State-Feminism. Strawman argumentation against critic to the state-feminism factor in the Assange case
- 29 July 2011. Pseudo-Science in Swedish Rape Trials. With an Introduction on the Origins of State-Feminism in Sweden
- 29 July 2011. Bloggers vs. Old Media: Who Wins and Why. By Andrew Kreig
- 6 July 2011. Name issues with their names. The Assange case and Swedish statsfeminism
- 5 July 2011. Julian Assange's sex-crime accusers deserve to be named. By Naomi Wolf
- 3 July 2011. Swedish updates on the Assange case
- 18 April 2011. The affair Irmeli Krans in the case of Sweden against Assange
- 17 April 2011. Swedish authorities face yet another irregularity in their sex probe of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. By Andrew Kreig
- 15 April 2011. Sweden's Serial Negligence in Prosecuting Rape Further Highlights the Politics Behind Julian Assange's Arrest. By Naomi Wolf
- 15 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. Part 3: "Men are animals"
- 15 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. Part 2: “Men that hate women”
- 15 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. PART 1: The Political Agenda and Dirty Tricks
- 14 April 2011. Rigged documentary on Julian Assange in the Swedish National Television. CONTENTS
- 10 April 2011. Om Sverigedemokraternas utrikes politik är ”osvensk” vad är då Socialdemokraternas? Kampen för Assange och Mannings frihet fortsätter.
- 7 April 2011. The decreasing of Sweden's credibility in the world. Why blame Julian Assange?
- 22 March 2011. NATO, Gaddafi and Assange
- 19 March 2011. Censorship of Assange-articles in the Guardian & Swedish press
- 12 March 2011. Opinions on Assange case and censorship in Swedish media
- 11 March 2011. Case Assange: Rights Activist Challenges Ethics of Swedish Courts, Media. By Andrew Kreig
- 10 March 2011. WikiLeaks aftermath. The Middle East Feminist Revolution, by Naomi Wolf
- 6 March 2011. Have Swedish Pirates Betrayed Assange?
- 3 March 2011. WikiLeaks, Revolution, and the Lost Cojones of American Journalism. By Naomi Wolf
- 28 Feb 2011. Mark Stephens: "Demand open justice for Julian Assange"
- 27 Feb 2011. Assange VS Pinochet
- 27 Feb 2011. Comments on Judge Riddle's verdict & and lawyer Jennifer Robinson’s interview
- 26 Feb 2011. The Pirate Party should stand for their values. They should struggle for Assange and Wikileaks
- 24 Feb 2011, Assange's case. Witness Statement of Professor Marcello Ferrada-Noli
- 22 Feb 2011, Swedish media's censorship on Assange case
- 20 Feb 2011, Does Sweden Inflict Trial by Media against Assange?
- 18 Feb 2011. Anonymous Stop U.S. Business Plot Against, Bloggers, Unions, Rights Activists. Guest column by Andrew Kreig
- 13 Feb 2011. Karl Rove’s Swedish Connections: The Controversy And The Facts. Guest-article by Andrew Kreig
- 11 Feb 2011. Matching critic on Reindfelt's involvement in the Assange case
- 11 Feb 2011. Partner At Firm Counseling Assange’s Accusers Helped In CIA Torture Rendition. Guest-article by Andrew Kreig
- 10 Feb 2011. Karl Rove, Sweden, and the Eight Major Aberrations in the Police Sex Crime Reporting Process in the Assange Case. Guest-article by Naomi Wolf
- 9 Feb 2011. Analysis: Assange’s lawyer’s error shouldn’t determine the case
- 9 Feb 2011. Strongest appeal to Swedish prosecutor - "Hamlet without princess"
- 9 Feb 2011. Hamlet utan prinsessan. Åklagaren Marianne Ny starkt utmanat av Asange's advokat
- 8 Feb 2011. Objection to Sundberg-Weitman's testimony irrelevant
- 6 Feb 2011. Q & A: The Assange case and Swedish extradition
- 4 Feb 2011. Key-witnesses severely contradict state-feminist Borgström & women-accusers in Sweden’s phony case against Assange
- 22 Jan 2011. Swedish PM Reindfelt lies in London on Assange extradition
- 13 Jan 2011. Bordström & Borgström VS. Wikileaks
- 11 Jan 2011. New analysis: Swedish political crusade against Assange and Wikileaks
- 29 Dec 2010. Assange's message to Swedish journalists
- 29 Dec 2010. Asssange, criminal without a crime
- 26 Dec 2010. Sweden’s phony prosecution against Assange is POLITICAL and IDEOLOGICAL
- 11 Dec 2010. Sveriges Assange-anklagelser i kriget mot Wikileaks OCH yttrandefrihet
- 9 Dec 2010. Is there a CIA connection in the Swedish Assange-plot?
- 7 Dec 2010. Analysis: Why Sweden revenge against Assange
media, journalists Piratpartiet, PP,
1 comment:
Another good article sir!
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